"The Treasure of the House of Levi" required hundreds of hours of research and benefitted from multiple trips to Rome and Jerusalem. It's been edited until it screamed and then edited some more. (More on that in a different post)
But I've changed my mind about self-publishing 'Treasure'. That decision feels like fasting while there's a box of chocolates in my lap. But going forward, I realize that I need the help of specialized professionals. Winging it only works up to point.
There are fun elements to self-publishing, (Did you know that Amazon updates sales info almost hourly?) but the limited scope of distribution, investment required and the need to have a complete knowledge of the fiction market in real time, all requires a lot of time and energy! So I'm seeking an agent who can land me a solid contract with a traditional publisher.
In the meantime, I'm having adventures all over the world. I never write about a place I've never visited. This camel ride in Egypt last November was fun/stinky/and nothing like riding a horse or even an elephant. Camels rock forward and back A LOT. You couldn't ride one very long without major pain, I think.

Back to the progress of my books. . .
Assuming that I can land a solid agent and that solid agent can get me a solid publisher, the rest of my writing career can focus on producing and promoting great books and less on advertising campaigns and figuring everything out on my own.
I don't intend to ever go back to newspaper writing or columns. Historical Fiction is my first and last love.
So the finished manuscripts are lined up, waiting their turn, (quite impatiently!) The first shall be last and the last shall be. . .well, next. In fact, the first full-length novel (after The Angel's Song) is ready to submit, (except that it needs a new title), but I want my work to come out in a certain order. I intend to cultivate my ideal audience by producing irresistible stories in an order that will only increase your appetite for my next one. I'll keep you posted.