The grass in the foreground is being hoed into the clay and blended in. It reminded me of the children of Israel being punished by pharaoh by not giving them the straw to make their quota of bricks. (The photo was taken by holding my phone close to my chest where I could click without the subjects realizing I was taking their picture. But right after I took this the guy in the shorts paused and grinned and waved, as though he knew. Generally, younger people are very friendly.

This is what they were making, using wooden molds. Here's the scary part. THEY LET THEM DRY BUT THEY DON'T FIRE THEM!!!!
We often see people carrying the mud blocks on their heads. They're about 6x6x12.
This is a construction site we have been watching on our walks. On the left side is the finished wall. They stack the mud blocks and then plaster the mud wall with concrete. In the worst neighborhoods, there is no covering on the wattle bricks. Many homes are roofed with corrugated steel.

The blocks have to have a roof as they await become a wall. The rainy season is just starting and it would REALLY STINK to have all your construction material dissolved by a heavy rain storm. Note, this is a nice house under construction. In fact we live on the third floor of a building made this way. (There were holes in the bathroom walls where the access to the water shutoff valves were, so I could see the inside of the wall. I sealed it with heavy plastic tape to keep bugs (BIG bugs) from creeping in.) The walls of our apartment are perfectly smooth and finished.

Here's a three story building under construction. We have a huge roof patio above our apartment, which this one will probably also.
OSHA would have a conniption fit if they came across this.
So many of the people work so hard, it's truly impressive. They seem to be grateful to have a job and hard work is valued and honored. There have been sermons in Sacrament Meeting about the honor in working hard, and several missionary devotionals have also included the virtue of hard work.
Nevertheless, if anyone wants to make a fortune, sell wheelbarrows and strollers.

Two women carrying produce, probably to sell at a vegetable stand. Note the two-year-old child wrapped on the lady with the green shoes' back. A woman wearing pants is somewhat uncommon.